It was my turn to teach in young women's last Sunday. The lesson was on prayer and sabbath day observance. I brought these CTR cookies as treats. For non-LDS readers, CTR means "choose the right."

To make them -
1.) Add peanut butter and chocolate chips to a basic sugar
cookie recipe.
2.) trace a shield image onto card stock paper from your computer screen. Cut out the image.
3.) Roll out cookie dough, place shield image on top of cookie dough and around it.
4.) Bake cookies, let cool.
5.) Buy store bought vanilla frosting or make your own. Add green food coloring to 3/4 of container.
6.) Spread on green frosting thinly. Let dry.
7.) Snip the corner off of a bag and pipe on CTR letters. Or, use an exacto knife to cut out CTR letters on card stock. Place hallow CTR letters on top of cookie and spread white frosting over it (like your using a stencil.)